Sonja's Candidate Statement

Sonja for Congress: Empowering Individuals, Defending Liberty, Championing Peace

I am the only candidate in this race that presents an obstacle to the globalist agenda and the military industrial complex. We must negotiate peaceful resolutions to existing conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine, as well as future conflicts to avoid the historical fate of all militaristic expansionary empires and instead lead the world in freedom and prosperity.

My journey into activism began a decade ago with the launch of my family's farm in Southern Oregon. From advocating for agricultural and property rights to pushing for the decentralization of our food supply chains, I have always believed in the power of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and minimal government interference.

In 2020 I witnessed the rapid erosion of our freedoms and liberties under the guise of "the common good.” I could not stand by and watch as our state succumbed to authoritarianism.

Our political system has been dominated by a duopoly that stifles true representation and choice. Both major parties have contributed to the erosion of our liberties, endless wars, and the expansion of government control. It is time to break free from this two-party stranglehold and offer real solutions that empower individuals and respect our freedoms.

My Duopoly opponents will never restrain the government from meddling in the free market, from rural broadband subsidies to expensive tariff wars that only increase costs for Oregonians, to burdensome regulations and red tape that hamper the American entrepreneurial spirit. I will always support a laissez-faire approach, including ending the Federal Reserve’s power to throw our economy into chaos through mismanagement and abuse of the money supply and interest rates.

I am running for Congress to bring the principles of liberty to the national stage. I believe in the power of grassroots movements and the strength of our communities. Together, we can restore our freedoms, protect our rights, and build a brighter future for all Oregonians by adhering to the core values of individual liberty, free markets, minimal government intervention, and a non-interventionist foreign policy.

  • I will work tirelessly to restrain the federal government, keeping congress out of state issues.

  • I promise to never sell out to foreign or special interests. Your rights are not for sale.

  • I will push forward in rescinding the War Powers Act and support the Defend the Guard Act.