black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Fierce Libertarian, Fighting Warhawks

Sonja Feintech is taking her fight for Oregonians' liberties to Congress and Ending the Warfare State

Join the Fight

The race for Oregon's 5th Congressional District just heated up

A Real Liberty Candidate in Action

Fighting warhawks and COVID tyranny.

Proud wife and mother, farmer and butcher.

Butcher, Farmer, Business Owner

A woman with a mission to bring change and stand up against government overreach.

Fought COVID Tyranny

Sonja stood up when it counted most, fighting against oppressive government policies and for individual rights and freedoms.


Sonja's commitment to fighting authoritarian lockdowns and endless wars is incredibly inspiring.

Timothy Perkins
man in white shirt and black pants riding on brown boat on green grass field during
man in white shirt and black pants riding on brown boat on green grass field during


Sonja's passion for freedom and justice is unmatched. She is the leader we need.

man in orange jacket and brown shorts standing on brown wooden log on body of water
man in orange jacket and brown shorts standing on brown wooden log on body of water
Christopher Peters



"Sonja has been fighting for freedom when it comes to making medical decisions for a long time. She has been a valuable asset to our movement by helping plan medical freedom events, educate the public, and push for change in our state. I can't think of a better person to represent Oregon."

Breanna Jarmer - Executive Director

Oregonians for Medical Freedom (OFMF)



Sonja Feintech is an experienced activist, regenerative farmer and mother of 3 committed to fighting for liberty in Oregon. With a passion for individual rights and liberty, she has actively engaged in politics and activism for years.

Sonja Feintech founded the Oregon Liberty Network which is dedicated to empowering Oregonians to divest from the current system by growing strong community networks with a focus on skill sharing and farm focused events and resources

As the former Political Action Director of FreeOregon, Sonja Feintech had advocated for medical freedom and successfully organized and collaborated on numerous rallies and events. Sonja Feintech is deeply committed to decentralization of government power and promoting a truly libertarian society and strives to create positive change that improves the lives of fellow Oregonians.

Sonja Feintech is currently serving as the Libertarian Party of Oregon's Public Policy Council Secretary, in this role she seeks to further share her vision of a more libertarian society while supporting the important work of the Libertarian Party of Oregon. Sonja Feintech possesses the knowledge, skills, and vision necessary to empower Oregonians to fight for the principles of liberty, no matter their political affiliation.